Saturday, June 5, 2010

Coffee Dictionary

•Acidity-Gives your coffee that snappy, lively flavor. It does not mean it is bitter or sour.

•Affogato-Espresso over gelato. Literally means ‘drowned’ in Italian.

•Aftertaste-The vapors released by the coffee in the mouth.

•Americano-Espresso with hot water added (not more water run through the espresso), usually making a full 6 oz. cup.

•Aroma-Is the fragrance that is released from the bean. It will tell you how fresh your coffee is, as well as some of its traits.

•Barista-A person who is a master of the Espresso machine and makes coffee as a profession.

•Bitterness-Is a sharp biting taste, usually affected by the roasting and brewing procedures.

•Body-Is the weight and texture of the coffee on your tongue. It can range from full to light to thin.

•Borgia-A single espresso poured into a tall glass filled with steamed milk and a spoonful of chocolate syrup stirred in. Top with whipped cream, fresh ground nutmeg, and orange peel.

•Breve-A drink made like a Caffe Latte, but using half `n half instead of milk.

•Caffe Corretto-Traditionally made with espresso and Grappa. Can be made with any liqueur.

•Caffeine-A natural stimulant found in coffee. The darker the roast, the less caffeine - the caffeine burns off during the roasting process.

•Caffe Latte-Espresso poured slowly into a tall glass filled with steamed milk and foam. There are many variations of the proportion of the ingredients, but the most common variation is 20% espresso, 20% foamed milk, 60% steamed milk.

•Cappuccino-A classic blend of coffee and steamed milk named after the brown robes of the Capuchin monks. Approximately equal proportions of espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk.

•Classic Cappuccino-Also known as a Black & White. Regular Cappuccino topped with vanilla, chocolate, or coffee ice cream.

•Crema-The caramel colored layer on top of a well-brewed espresso. The crema helps preserve the aroma and flavor of the espresso and indicates the quality of the shot.

•Cupping-The process used by coffee tasting specialists to judge and evaluate coffee.

•Espresso-A dark, rich, full-bodied coffee made when finely ground dark-roasted coffee is processed with a special machine that forces a small amount of water at high pressure through a special filter. Contact time between coffee and water is only about 25 seconds. A well-brewed shot of espresso will be known by the crema formed on the surface.

•Espresso Anise-Espresso with a touch of anisette syrup.

•Espresso Doppio-Two full shots (approximately 3 ounces) of espresso. Literally means ‘double’ in Italian.

•Espresso Lungo-American-style, with more water brewed through and a less concentrated result. Literally means ‘long’ in Italian.

•Espresso Normale-An in-between version of Espresso Ristretto and Espresso Lungo. Literally means ‘normal’ in Italian.

•Espresso Ristretto-The Italian way - short and strong. Literally means ‘narrow’, ‘restricted’ in Italian.

•Espresso Romano-Espresso with a twist of lemon.

•Espresso Royal-Also known as Espresso con Panna (espresso with cream). Espresso topped with whipped cream.

•Espresso Solo-A single shot (approximately 1.5 oz.) of espresso, usually quaffed in a single gulp while at its flavorful peak, before it cools.

•Flavor-Is the combination of aroma, acidity and body. It can be balanced, or dominated by one quality.

•Fragrance-The smell of beans after grinding.

•Fruity-Indicates a sweet, aromatic flavor like citrus or berries.

•Green Coffee-Unroasted coffee. •Iced Espresso-One or two shots of freshly brewed espresso poured over ice.

•Igloo Espresso-A single espresso with sugar and ice, blended at very high speed and topped with whipped cream.

•Lachino-Also known as a Wet Cappuccino. Espresso topped with approximately 50/50 foamed milk and steamed milk.

•Macchiato-Espresso topped with a dash of steamed milk.

•Mild-Means the taste is smooth and mellow.

•Mocha-Hot steamed milk mixed with two teaspoons of cocoa or chocolate syrup until dissolved. Add a single espresso and top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings or powder.

•Nose-The vapors released by the coffee in the mouth.

•Organic Coffee-Certified by independent agencies as organically grown, processed, stored, and roasted. This means that no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, cleaners, etc., have come into contact with the coffee trees or beans at any point in the manufacturing process.

•Pungency-Often describes strong, full flavor that can be very pleasant.

•Rich-Means full and mellow flavor. It also describes complexity and depth.

•Specialty Coffee-Specialty coffee is defined as a coffee that has no defects and has a distinctive flavor in the cup.

•Spicy- Indicates the flavor of wood-spice (cinnamon bark) or clove.

•Stale-Coffee tastes old. This is usually caused by over-exposure to air and moisture.

•Taste-The flavor of coffee.

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